Friday, February 17, 2012

9 months and the other is lying...

10 days ago I started this blog and haven't touched it since. I knew I wouldn't do a good job at this. I've even had lots of ideas on posts but never actually sat down to write them. Now they all seem pointless.
Maris turned 9 months old on the 11th of Feburary. With Jack, I documented these milestones every 3 months with professional photos. Poor Maris, all she gets are a couple pictures I shot of her out in our front yard in a cute dress. This is in part because we are poor since I do not have a job yet and in part because I don't know anyone here who takes pictures. It was freezing out when I took the pictures so I spent all of 3 minutes attempting to get a smile and she would have none of it.

This is one of the better pics of my sad attempt. I really need to get into photography classes
She is growing like a weed, though we don't have any stats on her size since we don't have a pediatrician yet in Athens. Maybe by the time she is 10 months I will have found someone.

Jack is up to the same old thing. He is overall sweet and loving to his sister (except of course when she steals his toys) and eager to please. But he has managed to perfect a new developmental milestone; the art of lying and thievery. Yesterday he locked me out of the house and then denied it repeatedly (despite him being the only one in the house). Today he kept running back and forth between the living room and my bedroom. Our laundry closet is in the hallway between these two and I was sitting folding laundry. Each time Jack passed between the two rooms he would give me a hug and tell me he loved me. After 5 or 6 times I started getting suspicious. I asked him what he was doing and he told me nothing. Unfortunately for him he told me "nothing" with his mouth full of candy. I had left a bag of candy on my dresser in my room and he was running back and forth pilfering candy and then playing with his toys. Needless to say, said candy has been put away indefinitely. Its hard not to be impressed with how quickly kids learn to be deceitful. Despite me not wanting him to lie, I still can't believe my once completely honest little boy has now learned to not just lie, but he is crafty about it as well. Despite these occasional sneak attacks, he is one of the best little boys I could ask for. And without further ado, some pics of the kiddos:
We found a park for Jack to play at in Athens.
Classic photo of Maris and Jack. Maris won't hold still while Jack poses for the Camera

Playing outside. The weather has been exceedingly wonderful in GA. We've had many days with the high in the 60's. We are taking full advantage of all the outside time.

And Maris.. hamming it up for the camera

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