Tuesday, February 7, 2012

And so it begins

I've always said I would never make a blog. I've had so many people suggest it and I never saw the point. I've given all the excuses: I have nothing to write about, nobody will read it, it will take to much time, it will be just another mommy blog etc. Well here I am eating my words... Bear with my attempt at this since I am not sure how to get around the blogging world quite yet.

I've decided to start a blog for a number of reasons. The first is my kids. So yes, to those who like to make fun of mommy blogs, this will be just that (i.e. Tracy). Time marches on and they are constantly getting older. I could journal the old fashioned way or just rely on my memory for everything that is going on in their lives but I have succumbed to the new age way and will try to immortalize my children through a blog. The bigger they get, the more I want to remember them when they were young. I am forgetting little things like when Jack got his first tooth (now that Maris just got hers). Little milestones that don't really matter if I remember them or not but I want to. I already feel like my kids have gotten too old even though I know they are still so young. I just don't want to let these little moments slip away. I want to remember them just like this forever. So a blog is a start.
I suppose a bigger reason for me to finally want to start a blog is I just moved from Salt Lake City, Ut. I spent almost 6 years of my life there making friends that I will not get to see much anymore. When I moved to SLC from GA I never really left those behind in Georgia. My family was still in Georgia. I always went back to visit a few times a year. I saw those I was close to and I never felt like I was missing them the way I am going to miss those in Utah. This blog is one way I can still keep in touch and update those on my life. And I'm sure I will want to continue to do that as i'm sure our life path is going to lead us to more moves away from friends until my husband gets the job of his dreams and settles down.
A third reason for this blog is the loneliness of moving has settled in. I am very excited to be back in my home state and near my family but Athens is a new town for me. I get to see my fam at least once a week but I don't know anyone here in Athens. I don't have a job yet which is always a sure fire way to meet new people and set up a new social network. I've been in Georgia for 3 weeks and the newness has worn off and now I'm alone, with the kids, every day. I miss normal mundane conversation that you can have for hours with friends. A blog is a way to just talk about those normal things (to no one in particular) since I have no one to say them to out loud.
So there you have it. My attempt to justify why I am doing something I always said I wouldn't do. And so it begins...Cunningham Life!

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